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Do you need veneers in Mallorca?

 Best for...

 Dental Veneers

                                              in Mallorca.

What are veneers? 


Dental veneers are a great choice for those wanting a complete smile makeover without undergoing an invasive procedure. Veneers are very thin layers of ceramic placed on the surface of your own natural teeth. They are crafted by specialist technicians according to your specific requirements in regards to what shape, size and colour you want to achieve. If you need veneers in Mallorca, book a consultation with one of our experts.  


  • My teeth are chipped

  • I have gaps between my teeth

  • My teeth are small and they do not show up enough when I smile

  • I want my teeth to be permanently whiter

  • My teeth are crooked and misaligned but I do not want to wear braces

  • I want a complete smile makeover

  • I want to widen my narrow smile


If any of the above apply to you then dental veneers are the solution you are looking for.

Are veneers for me?​

Dental veneers in Mallorca

What is the process of fitting dental veneers?

Dental veneers in south west Mallorca
Before and After of Dental Veneers in Mallorca

The process is simple and requires just two appointments.



During your first visit the dentist will take impressions of your teeth and prepare their surface for the veneers. To help you pick a shade for your veneers, you will be shown a shade guide and allowed to choose how white you want your new teeth to be. The impressions and your exact instructions are then sent to an expert dental laboratory where the veneers are made.




We realise how important it is to have the patient's input when designing their new smile. This is why we always request to receive a computer simulation from the laboratory, which we show to the patient. With the patient's feedback we either request adjustments, if needed, or we give the technicians a green light to proceed.  




To ensure that the veneers meet all expectations of the patient, we always request to receive photographs of the veneers once they are ready to ship. At this stage, the lab can still make certain adjustments such as extra polishing, adding on a shade stain or rounding off selected edges, all to make the patient 100% happy. 




You will be invited for your second and final appointment during which the dentist will use a special glue to fix your final veneers in place giving you the smile you always wanted.

What types of dental veneers are available in Mallorca?

Depending on your personal preference, assessment of your bite and presence or absence of grinding/clenching, we offer all types of veneers currently on the market, including:


  • Composite veneers

  • Porcelain veneers

  • IPS e.max® veneers

Can veneers be used to treat misaligned teeth if I don't want braces?

In selected cases, yes. If the degree of misalignment is small, if your teeth are spaced out rather than severely crowded and if occlusion (the way you bite) allows, then veneers can be used to correct this either fully or partially. A consultation and thorough assessment are vital in determining if veneers are an option and in establishing what kind of results can be expected. Even if veneers are not an option for you, remember that in modern orthodontics there are many discreet, aesthetic options such as clear aligners e.g. Invisalign® and ClearCorrect®, and clear braces e.g. DamonClear®.

If you want to know more click here to read our blog post dedicated to dental veneers.

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